Lighten hair color

Natural ways to lighten the hair color

Henna keeps the hair away from the chemical and thermal components. As the puddle henna milk gives hair a dark brown color gloss, long-lasting and, when boiled water puddle henna flowers Chamomile gives a medium golden color on the hair. But when water drenched hibiscus put it gives hair a red-color radiant.
You can wash the hair Bmgla peel eggplant gives beautiful colors for hair gloss Burgundy.
The boiled peel the onion gives a bright golden in color, and these methods are guaranteed results, but you need patience.
Use boiled chamomile flowers, lemon peel, and one teaspoon of white vinegar, and Domi to wash your hair for these natural ingredients you get a natural golden color. If you hurry, make sure to feed your hair with oils to keep up on your hair pretty bright.

Chemical Methods

Chemical methods to lighten hair color is temporary and permanent pigments, which in turn works on hair coloring many colors and lasts for certain periods characterized by easily removed and renewal, but dried hair, and works on hair loss, especially those containing ammonia abundance. So it should be avoided and not venture to put it on the hair.


Things that women want from her husband

Often the man wondering what is going on in the mind of women, but the latter does not reveal to him whatever you want to do. So share with you in this article are the most feminine of women want things from her husband and does not it, that you may be familiar with matters of concern to women.

- First, the first things that you are looking for a woman her husband is to show his romantic during Amaalmth her, through the intimacy that united by, but for the most part ignores this thing and striving to achieve them in the belief that the romance is specific to only women and not men.

- Secondly, the second thing you expect a woman and you want to do from her husband, nor do is praise and support and support in everything you do, but some couples do not do this, because they believe that what is done by women is normal do not need to eulogy. Also, some of the men with the passage of time, do not throw the ears of their wives kind words and spinning, flattery, and that it would like every woman of any age.

 - Third, also of the things that you want the woman, neither carried out the pair is to identify priorities to be is on the top of the list, and often men showing their work and their affairs and professional meetings and meetings on family gatherings or romantic that brought them together with their wives, and this is causing inconvenience to women.

  - Fourth, as well as women want from her husband that is committed in all matters relating to them, and to be very careful to do what he promised and what he must do, but some men forget or forget what they were promised, and therefore women become in a state of anger and sadness Anne together, especially if the husband is not doing enough to change this reality.

Foods cause breast cancer

Any type of cancer is linked to the quality of life and nutrition, specifically breast cancer. There are certain foods in the diet may increase the risk of injury, and the other may contribute to focus on them within a healthy diet in the prevention of disease or reduce the rate of injury. Today we submit site femininity foods that are recommended to avoid it for the prevention of the disease.

Foods cause breast cancer

- First, did you know that grapefruit causes of breast cancer? This is because it leads to a high level of estrogen in the body, which increases the risk of breast cancer.

- Second, the Eating too much fat in large quantities, especially those saturated in animal products, things like sheep, and milk and dairy products. In addition to eating fat in chips, donuts, cakes ready, croissants General and fries.

- Third, processed meats contain a large amount of preservatives, turn to substances that cause cancer.

- Fourth, try to avoid eating foods that contain a large amount of refined carbohydrates like white sugar that stimulates insulin production, and increase the proportion of oxidation in the body, thereby increasing the risk of cancer.

- Fifth, use olive oil in Mokulatk, and bitch about eating vegetable oils that stimulate insulin production, increased Almoksdh substances in the body.

- Finally, eating too much red meat leads to the incidence of breast cancer, because in red meat, amino acids, leading to increase the proportion of oxidation in the body.

Teeth whitening

Methods of teeth whitening naturally:

You can whiten teeth and get pearly white teeth with ease and without any trouble, with the use of nature components and prepared homemade you can prepare the best ways to whiten your teeth, including:

- Recipe lemon juice to whiten your teeth:
Lemon juice is used to get rid of the yellowing of the teeth and give it a white pearl, where you can mix a tablespoon of lemon juice with a little sodium bicarbonate, then rub the teeth for 10 minutes, then wash the mouth with warm water.

- Recipe Olive oil:
Teeth are dipped in rubbing olive oil of cotton or put a brush in olive oil and then wash the teeth, where olive oil is working on dental hygiene in addition to its ability to strengthen gums and prevent bleeding them and thus get white teeth clean.

- Recipe strawberries for teeth whitening:
A bead of strawberries are mashed and add half a teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate to it, and stirring the mixture well to get a paste, and then the teeth are rubbing this putty using a toothbrush for 10 minutes, then clean the mouth brushing and toothpaste again.

- Recipe Mint:
The grinding mint leaves and add some oil on it and use this mixture in fat teeth done for 10 minutes to contain the active ingredients in the teeth whitening.

- Recipe orange:
Orange peel is used in rubbing the teeth from the inside, as it has a great ability to whiten the places that is placed inside the mouth.


Teeth whitening

White teeth is the goal of all women. Doing teeth cleaned each day has believed in the full protection of the teeth, but it does not Bidha. So, you feminine site offers some home mixes that can be used for teeth whitening.

Natural methods of teeth whitening

First, squeeze a lemon and add a little salt to it, then Amadamada continuously this solution. And leave time on the teeth before Besgaha to help bleached.

Second, Mix soda and water and bicarbonate Amadamada this mix, it helps to remove the yellow spots and contribute to the bleached.

Third, natural honey on my toothbrush and toothpaste mixes teeth from time to time.

Fourth, wash your mouth with water of oxygen per week, but you should not use a lot of it is harmful to the teeth when over it.

Fifth, Crush mint leaves and add some oil it, and use this mixture in fat teeth every day.

Sixth, rub the teeth of cotton dipped in olive oil or my brush in olive oil and wash your teeth afterwards. This oil works to maintain dental hygiene.

Seventh, bananas contain vitamins and minerals, especially potassium and iron, which helps in maintaining the strength of the teeth and health. It contributes to the internal section of banana peel on the teeth whitening if rubbing it.

Finally, make a lot of eating green leaves Kalmalafov, chard leaves, lettuce, broccoli, cabbage, mustard leaves, asparagus and spinach.

The treatment of arthritis

What is arthritis? Is the inflammation that affects one or more detailed, and has more than 100 different species. Arthritis symptoms often appear among those in the mid-fifties or forties, abound infection among women three times more of them in men.

The main symptoms of arthritis include:

Pain, swelling, difficulty moving the joint, redness of the joint area in addition to the joint stiffness and roughness. Sports and appropriate drugs may suffice in relieving joint pain, but at the same time can use the benefits of a range of effective and easy-to-use home remedies to treat the symptoms of arthritis and pain relief to the maximum extent possible, which is what we will try to submit it in this article.

1. Ginger wonderful cure for arthritis:
One of the most effective treatments for rheumatoid arthritis, it is anti-inflammatory properties. You can use ginger oil Bdehnh on the joint affected, Fasthaddamh regularly sponsor to reduce pain and swelling and harshness to a large extent. Also, eating fresh ginger a day with each meal greatly improves the state of inflammation, so for being improves Aldroh vessels.

2. Turmeric:
Turmeric is known spices, which can also be used as a treatment for arthritis. Regular Valasthaddam turmeric into your diet allows ease inflammation to a great extent and also the case when taken in the form of capsules (preferably doses of 500-1000 mg three times daily). You can also eat turmeric powder mixed with milk, and therefore the amount of mixing a tablespoon of turmeric with a glass of warm milk and drink before bedtime.

3. Flaxseed:
A rich source of omega-3 fatty acids and hormones that stimulate the production of anti-inflammatory, so they are ideal as a treatment for arthritis. For this purpose, you can eat a tablespoon of flax seed 2-3 times a day. You can also enter flaxseed to your diet and this in combination with the authorities, and yogurt, pastries, and even with the juice. Also, flax oil has the same effect, so you can eat a teaspoon of oil three times a day.

4. English salt (Epsom Salt), or coarse salt:
One of the most important sources of magnesium, which are very useful in modifying the pH level in the body, so it is effective in treating the symptoms of arthritis. Add coarse salt (or salt England) with an equal amount of lemon juice in half a cup of hot water, then eat the amount of a teaspoon of this mixture twice a day (morning and evening). You can also add 3-4 cups of the salt to bath water warm and tried to soak your body for as long as possible. Inevitably you will feel at ease joint pain, as this method will help you to relax.

5. Cinnamon:
Cinnamon is another element that can help to relieve arthritis pain. For the treatment of joint pain, you can add 1/2 teaspoon of ground cinnamon with a tablespoon of honey to a cup of warm water and drink the mixture every day on an empty stomach. In case you committed to this treatment for several days you will feel the difference and will improve your condition very much, God willing. You can also paste made of ground cinnamon with honey and massage the pain by region.

6. Fish oil:
Omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oil have anti-inflammatory effect and are therefore effective in relieving pain Mufasl.bbassath spoon or a teaspoon of fish oil a day, either directly or enter into meals. Preferably taking fish oil on an empty stomach for best results. Tried a lot of products containing omega-3 fatty acids in general, not limited to fish oil alone.

7. eucalyptus oil (Alokalptos):
Warm a little eucalyptus oil and then anoint him the area of ??pain. Glvha plastic bag and then place around hot or warm compresses for more heat, and soon you will feel the improvement in the case of your joints. Repeat this process for a day before going to sleep for the best results in reducing the symptoms of arthritis.

8. Cherry:
Cherry rich natural source Balmagnaseyoum and potassium. Magnesium natural painkiller, potassium and anti-inflammatory treatment so Falcrz is ideal in the case of rheumatoid arthritis. Mark daily eating habit 8-10 kernels of cherries in any form, whether fresh or canned. You can also make cherry syrup and boiling it a few kernels of cherries in water until condense. You can drink the local brew a day for several months as a remedy for a delicious and nutritious to get rid of arthritis.

Get rid of wrinkles

With age, skin problems begin to emerge, especially on wrinkles. But that worry women a lot, so they have gestational frustrated as a result of these effects, do you also suffer from facial wrinkles? Discover the treatment of facial wrinkles with a natural femininity site.

Oil for the treatment of facial wrinkles

Take a little bit of olive oil in the palm of your hands, then rub with a good facial area, from the chin in the direction of the cheeks before boarding the area under the eyebrows. With an attempt to tighten the skin outward toward the ears, Genuine massage in the second stage of direction for the eyelid horizontally trend, then Complete with the rest of the parts of the face in a circular fashion from the bottom up.

And so that you get a good immediate results, we recommend continuity and Madwamh a massage for 5 minutes a day at least, relieve your face with a freshness and vitality.

Recipe core dry Alonanc

 Rubbing dry pineapple pulp on the face for a period ranging between 10 to 15 minutes, then wash your face with water and normal in a simple manner, but very effective.

Recipe egg whites

 Nationalist broken egg, and take only whiteness. Put it on the place of wrinkles such as wrinkles front or wrinkles around the eye area, lies the importance of the egg whites in the treatment of wrinkles because it contains many of the vitamins.


Mask natural face

 You can prepare a natural mask recipe using a mixture of pineapple and apple juice as good for you too much to remove wrinkles.